Testevolissimevolmente... ;-P
Ennesimo test trafugato dalla rete. Il risultato del test é Advocating Analyst e la spiegazione si capisce facilmente dallo schema qui sotto...
Semplice, no? :-P Per chi ha problemi con l'arte cubista [...no, non é un'avanguardia di pensiero che spinge perché le cubiste in discoteca siano considerate una forma d'arte... :-P ] ecco una versione più classica e digeribile del risultato.
You are an analyst
Your attention to detail, confidence, sense of order, and focus on functionality combine to make you an ANALYST.
You are very curious about how things work, delving into the mechanics behind things.
Along those lines, how well something works is usually more important to you than what it looks like.
You find beauty and wonder mainly in concrete, functional, earthly things.
You are very aware of your own abilities, and you believe that you will find the best way of doing things.
Accordingly, problems do not intimidate you, as you believe in yourself.
You trust yourself to find solutions within the boundaries of your knowledge.
You don't spend a lot of time imagining how things could be different—you're well-grounded in the here-and-now.
It is important for you to follow a routine, and you prefer the familiar to the unknown.
You're not afraid to let your emotions guide you, and you're generally considerate of others' feelings as well.
You do your own thing when it comes to clothing, guided more by practical concerns than by other people's notions of style.
If you want to be different:
Try to embrace the imaginative, creative part of your personality more often.
Try moving beyond the things that you find comfortable—open yourself up to a broader range of experiences.
You are advocating
Being social, empathic, and understanding makes you ADVOCATING.
Some people find being around others exhausting—but not you! You are energized by spending time with friends, and you are good at meeting new people.
One of the reasons you enjoy conversation as much as you do is that you often learn about yourself while talking things out with a friend; you realize things about your own beliefs while discussing them with others.
You have insight into what others are thinking and feeling. This ability allows you to be happy for others, and to commiserate when something has gone wrong for them.
You are highly compassionate, and being conscious of how things affect those close to you leaves you cautious about trusting others too hastily.
Despite these reservations, you are open-minded when it comes to your worldview; you don't look to impose your ways on others.
Your sensitivity towards others' plights contributes to an understanding—both intellectual and emotional—of many different perspectives.
As someone who understands the complexities of the world around you, you are reluctant to pass judgments.
You're not afraid to let your emotions guide you, and you're generally considerate of others' feelings as well.
You do your own thing when it comes to clothing, guided more by practical concerns than by other people's notions of style.
If you want to be different:
While it's important to think about others, don't forget to take some time for yourself, and occassionally to put yourself first.
Take some time to spend with a few close friends; although it's difficult to find people to trust, it's worth the effort.
When you have great ideas, it can be hard to relinquish control, but it can also feel good to take the pressure off and enjoy someone else leading the way.
Se qualcuno si sta chiedendo se mi ritrovo nel risultato le risposta é... bho?!? Era troppo lunga, non avevo voglia di leggerla. :-P
Bah... io l'ho fatto (letto altrove) e se non ricordo male, mi dice "considerate inventor".
RispondiEliminaAnche lì, troppo lungo da rifare... :P
mhhh adoro i test! ora lo faccio!
RispondiEliminaora lo faccio e... humm... grazie ora ho scoperto di avere dei problemi col cubismo che non sapevo d'avere!
RispondiEliminariccionascosto: Non sembra male come risultato. Magari leggendo la descrizione sarebbe più chiaro, ma sarebbe troppa fatica ;-P
RispondiEliminamomogothicloly: buon divertimento! e tanta pazienza :-)
gemellaunica: Prego, sempre un piacere fare un servizio socialmente utile :-P
C'ho provato...l'ho iniziato...giuro,ma alla terza pagina mi sono arresa,troppo lungo :|
RispondiEliminaNooooo, ci sono ricascata: ho fatto anche questo. E' una droga, ormai!
Funkie: Ammetto che sono stato tentato più di una volta e abbandonarlo a metà... ^^;
RispondiEliminazemmolina: Sei entrata nel tunnel dei test? ;-P