The end of the road...
Spento il proiettore, piegata la camicia, messe in archivio le slides. Sembra che anche questa volta sia andata. Fine del divertimento, é ora di pensare alle cose serie...
Tomorrow he'd have to take it all seriously. Proper mail runs. Mamy more staff. Hundreds of things to do, and hundreds of other things to do before you could do these things. It wasn't going to be fun any more, cocking a snook, whatever a snook was, at the big slow giant. He'd won, so he'd have to pick up the pieces and make everything work. And come in here the next day and do it all again.
This wasn't how it was supposed to end. You won, and you pocketed the cash and walked away. That was how the game was supposed to go, wasn't it?
All he had to do was remind humself, every few months, that he could quit any time. Provided he knew he could, he'd never have to.
Magari ci avete pure creduto, vero? :-P Da domani, anzi da oggi, si lavora per preparare un pendolo inverso per lunedì. [Si accettano scommesse sulla riuscita. :-P]
Tomorrow he'd have to take it all seriously.
RispondiEliminanon mi pare una frase da Nino :-D
e guarda che col PhD la strada non e' finita... e' appena cominciata!!!
Appena cominciata? O.o Dov'è il primo autogrill? :-P
RispondiEliminameglio che non lo becchi l'autogrill... in genere e' quando ti dicono "mi dispiace, non ci sono soldi, non ti possiamo rinnovare il contratto" :-/
RispondiEliminaPensavo quello fosse il casello... ^^;